Selasa, 08 Desember 2009


One day, at beautiful dawn… when the lusler blanket of twllight is unvelled and the dark comos and from behind a hill,the sun’s showing him self… and in the valley of the heart, the love season appears… and on the brances of  memories, grow the buds of memories.
The desire of the heart unspoken and unheard… is asleep and awake… while rubbing his eyes, he sees sea currents and water waver… life seems to be carried away by the currents, every moment… seems to be a now life. There’s love on her lap in this life… 
The heart desire… wants to get near and also goes far away but it’s a feeling that life goes like a waterfall… saying that there’s the love season in the valley of the heart… but on the branches of memories, grow thousands of past time buds and very beautiful.  

1 komentar:

  1. mantabs artikelnya semoga tetap bermanfaat yah Blog UMY Community jangan lupa nih yeNugie Nugrohokarena dengan begitu bhp umyane dapat titip link ininugie nugrohodan memuaskan untuk Simple a Blog for Sharing a Information sesama sehingga coretan diankp anda tak cukup ragu lagi Try And Do It dengan kata kata galau nihterbarusehingga kita dapat tahu Quick Newsdari segala sesuatunyaSATU AKSARA jangan lupa like yah Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia
